The Official Swedish News & Current Affairs Review

An ongoing review of news reporting, politics and current events that affect daily life in Sweden, as well as comments on world events. Commentary will be posted in both English and Swedish.

En löpande granskning av nyhetsrapportering, politik och aktuella frågor som påverkar vardagslivet i Sverige, samt kommentarer på världsfrågor. Synpunkterna kommer att skrivas på både svenska och engelska.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Governing by ideology: Swedes to be prevented from seeking healthcare abroad

Just as the Swedish people were beginning to discover the advantages of foreign health care services, the government decided to throw a spanner in the works. People will be prevented from going that route, be forced to wait in endless hospital queues, be forced to endure inferior helath care and incorrect diagnoses. Not a day goes by without us hearing about frighteningly inexperienced doctors who make astonishing "mistakes" or are quite simply negligent in the execution of their jobs. Just look at the recent case (Schizofreni was in fact brain tumor), in which the doctor refused to do a brain scan as he was convinced that the patient was schizophrenic and did not have a brain tumour, which in fact was the case. This persisted for several years. And look at the treatment - electric shocks, among other things, and the continuous refusal to do a simple brain scan. In any other country he would never have been allowed to work as a doctor again. He would have been charged with quackery and forced to pay colossal damages.

But the government has now decided to close the door that had stood half-open during the past two years, just when it appeared that many ordinary people were about to take the chance to get better, cheaper and above all, faster health care.

What possible justification can there be for such a move? Simple, by cranking up the propaganda machine and telling the public that it is largely "wealthy people" who tend to go abroad for treatment, as they are the ones who can afford to raise the money at short notice. But this cannot be true, since it has been possible to send the bill directly to the National Insurance Office for some time now. When this is pointed out then the explanation becomes that the cost of foreign health care is putting a strain on the system. But this argument does not hold much water either, since treatment received abroad tends to be much cheaper than that available in Sweden.

What is happening here? What does the state earn by forcing people to live in pain and misery (as if we did not already know)? Imagine how much more attractive social democracy would be if people were allowed to decide how to run their lives.

Svårare få vård i annat EU-land: när ideologi tränger ut vettig handling

Just när folk börjat upptäcka fördelarna med att få vård utomlands så sätter regeringen en käpp i hjulet. Nu skall folk förvägras den möjligheten, nu ska folk tvingas att vänta i eviga köer, nu ska folk tvingas utstå undermålig vård och felaktiga diagnoser. Dagligen får vi höra om förvånansvärt oerfarna läkare som gör häpnadsväckande "misstag" eller helt enkelt slarvar i utförandet av sina jobb. Se bara det nyligen rapporterade fallet (Schizofreni var hjärntumör) där läkaren vägrade göra hjärnröntgen då denne var övertygad om att patienten hade schizofreni och inte hjärntumör som egentligen var fallet. Detta fortsatte över flera år. Och se vad behandlingen blev - elchocker, m.m. och den ständiga förvägran att göra en enkel röntgen. I ett annat land hade han aldrig mer tillåtits arbeta som läkare. Han hade blivit häktad för kvaksalveri och dömts till att betala ett skyhögt skadestånd.

Men nu stängs alltså dörren som hade öppnat på glant under de senaste två åren, när det ser ut som om många vanliga människor hade utnyttjat möjligheten till bättre, billigare och framför allt, snabbare vård.
Hur motiveras denna handling? Ja, genom att dra igång propagandamaskinen och tala om för allmänheten att det framför allt är "de rika" som gör detta då de har råd att snabbt få ihop pengarna till en utländsk sjukhusvistelse. Men detta kan inte vara sant, då möjligheten till att skicka räkningen direkt till Försäkringskassan funnits sedan ett tag tillbaka. När någon pekar på detta så får vi höra att det kostar för mycket. Men detta argument håller inte heller, då den utländska vården är i de flesta fall klart billigare än den svenska vården.

Var är det som håller på att hända? Vad tjänar staten på att tvinga folk att leva i elände (som om vi inte redan visste)? Tänk hur mycket mer omtyckt socialdemokratin skulle bli om folk bara fick själv bestämma över sina liv.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Operation Highway Robbery

The Israelites' cabinet has decided to impose sanctions on the Palestinians for exercising their democratic right to vote for the government of their choice.

"The Israeli Cabinet on Sunday approved a halt in monthly transfers of tens of millions of dollars to the Palestinians, in the first response to Hamas taking control of the Palestinian parliament," it is reported.

Is the money being "withheld" part of Israelite "support" or "reparation" funding to the Palestinians? Part of a gift that the Israelites had been planning to kindly donate to their cause? Oh no.

Israel collects and transfers about $50 million in tax money for the Palestinians each month. The money is essential for the Palestinian Authority to meet its monthly payroll for about 140,000 workers."

In other words, the Israelites are taking tax dollars from the Palestians (why is this even being allowed, I wonder - why are Palestinians paying taxes to Israel?) and refusing to give it back - because they chose the "wrong" government.

In any other language and with any other country, this would be called blatant thievery. I am going to go out on a limb and call it highway robbery. But it would appear that this move is yet another which will be sanctioned by the ever-blind, double-standard, hypocritical "international" community. (On another note, why should Hamas "recognise" Israel when Israel has not honoured its obligations with respect to the Oslo Treaty? Surely actions to honour the agreement would be of more importance - why the worldwide insistence, the international hysteria on one matter but not the other?).

How can it be just and fair that a country plunders the taxes of another country in a bid to control the democratically elected government of said country? Is this fair, is this justice for an already beleaguered population? What are these workers to do without salaries?

If the Palestian Authority has any spine then it should immediately issue a notice halting the transmission of any more of its funds to Israel. The Palestinians may have suffered immensely while the rest of the world turned a blind eye to its suffering, but they are not idiots. I am certain that they are more than capable of handling their money themselves. There is no need for the money to make a transit through Israel if this is money is going to be hijacked in bad faith. Ironically, this latest edict will almost certainly go a long way towards cementing the stereotypical image of Jews as money-grubbing individuals.

Religion is a bitch. Atheism has never precipitated such grave problems in the world.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Att bedra folket

Än en gång får vi bevis på att facket (läs LO) och socialdemokraterna sitter i knän på varandra, något som torde vara omöjligt i en sann demokrati och i ett system där heder fortfarande råder.

Hur kan det komma sig att en FACKLIG organisation som skall vara OBEROENDE kan utforma valtaktik TILLSAMMANS med en sittande regering??? Hur är det möjligt att regeringen kan utnyttja en facklig organisation för att värva röster åt sitt parti inför ett kommande val? Och hur kan en facklig organisation sitta i knän på ett politiskt parti och visa det på ett sådant oförskämt sätt? Är detta ett bra sätt att tjäna sina medlemmar? Vem tjänar på detta förutom facket och socialdemokraterna? Det här skadar förtroendet för facket, det skadar förtroendet för politiken och allra mest för den demokratiska processen.

Det här skriker jäv och korruption från både nära och långt håll. Varför är det ingen som kallar det för vad det är?

Vi får se hur långt myglet (läs korruptionen) går under denna valperiod, samt vem som kommer att visa lite ryggrad i valuppgången.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Men in make-up

The British newspaper The Independent recently carried an article which discussed the increasing feminisation of men.

"High-street chains, including Boots, Tesco and Superdrug, are embarking on big expansions of their male beauty products and move beyond facial softeners and moisturisers.

In upmarket department stores, male concealer, eyeliner and foundation are already flying off the shelves. Leading luxury brands such as Jean Paul Gaultier, Clinique and Clarins are scrambling to expand their lines to meet the boom in demand. Beauty for blokes is becoming big business.

In the UK, the male cosmetics market has grown by a staggering 800 per cent over the past seven years. Boots reports that male grooming is growing faster than any other beauty sector, and Tesco says that men are responsible for "soaring" sales in skincare and hair-removal products.

The logical next step is full-on cosmetics. Superdrug has also been watching the trend closely, and is preparing to launch a range aimed at men and women. This will include eyeliner, tinted lip balm and "eyebrow grooming gel"...

"The merging of lines between beauty for men and women is a global trend that we are picking up on constantly," Mr Wemyss said. "Guys are just getting a lot more confident wearing make-up products."

Am I the only one who is truly grossed out by this "growing trend"? There is a HUGE difference between skincare products and make-up. Eyeliner, concealer, face powder, nail polish, sarong-wrap skirts, headties??? No wonder there are so many single heterosexual women in the world today. No wonder there are so many "hetersexual" men exclaiming how hard it is to find women. No self-respecting woman would date a man who sported makeup unless he worked onstage. But said woman would dump him faster than a speeding bullet if he were to begin wearing the stuff offstage as well. Because despite efforts to convince men otherwise, self-respecting women want men who are MEN, not men who are desperately trying to be like women. Otherwise they could simply become lesbians and find better-looking, better-groomed women. Who are these men trying to attract, women or other men? I can't even see a self-respecting gay man going for a man who would rather ape a woman. Is the gender identity crisis that great among men? Sadly, this appears to be the case.

A similarly disturbing trend was discovered among Swedish men years ago, when studies revealed that men accounted for a majority of the sales of hair dye (Clairol, Revlon, you name it). I knew three young Swedish men who changed the colour of their hair with alarming frequency, 3 - 4 times a year. They waxed, they gelled, they plucked their eyebrows and wore floral scarves and cherry lip balm. No, they were not gay, although I had thought so for a very long time (stereotypical, I know, but hey, shoot me). Oh yes, and they all wanted a girlfriend. None of their relationships lasted more than 2 - 3 months. Foreign women in particular were repelled by them. Around the same time, my Italian, Spanish and German girlfriends were constantly joking that it was so difficult to distinguish between the men and women in Stockholm, BOTH with respect to looks and personality. The sad fact was that even some of our Swedish girlfriends thought the same. The single ones all yearned for foreign boyfriends.

Our incessant meddling via various forms of social engineering (just look at the warped experiments in "gender equality" that are being conducted at some childcare nurseries in Sweden today, as well as the campaigns to dress little boys in pink and have "gender-neutral" clothing displays in stores) has put so much pressure on men to conform and get in touch with their "feminine sides" that we have spawned a whole breed of confused males who don't know whether they are coming or going. The result is women who are repelled by the effeminate masses that dare to approach them, despite the fact that they had a significant hand in the creation of these wimps. If this trend persists then we shall truly get what radical feminists have long yearned for: a world filled with truly emasculated men, with truly neutered beings on both sides of the rapidly diminishing divide. Seriously, apart from the odd unisex pullover, which woman would want to date a man who wore the same clothes she did? I mean, there is a world of difference between a blouse and a shirt. If I were a woman, I would interpret the Independent's article as a heads-up: WARNING, one of these could be yours in the future.

Will the real men in the house please stand up?

Monday, February 13, 2006

Democracy and the British Labour Party

For several years now we have been treated to numerous reports of Tony Blair moving over to make way for Gordon Brown to become prime minister. "Gordon Brown is crown prince", the world is constantly reminded. Only once - in The Guardian - have I ever seen any mention of the possibility of an election process to determine the identity of the future leader of the Labour party. After witnessing the recent Conservative leadership elections and the preparations for the upcoming Liberal Democrat leadership elections I am forced to ask what may be a rather obvious question: has the British Labour party become a dictatorship?

Now I am the first to admit that I am no expert on constitutional or party-political matters, but surely, if the prime minister resigns then the deputy prime minister would automatically take over - and not the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Gordon Brown - at least until the party had held elections to select the new leader? By what right or authority would Tony Blair or indeed the Labour party be able to designate Gordon Blair the new leader without an official leadership election? I mean, who is to say that there aren't more competent people in the party? Who is to say that others in the party might not want to have a shot at the job as well? Indeed, who is to say that people would want to see Gordon Brown as prime minister? Just look at the outcome of the Conservative elections - the much-heralded crown prince certainly did not win there. And why have the newspapers been doggedly insisting that Gordon Brown is the man, without mentioning the need for due democratic process? How must the deputy prime minister (second in command) and others in the party feel? How bewildered must members of the British electorate be?

Once again, newspapers do their readers a disservice by failing to ask critical questions.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Tänk om många kvinnor förstod detta?

Kloka ord av Aftonbladets Anna Ekelund

P-piller sätter kroppen i pausläge för att kunna få barn senare. Men klamydia och andra könssjukdomar ökar, med sterilitet som följd. Med hjälp av hormon tar man mindre ansvar för sin familjeplanering men det som skulle ske "senare" förvandlas ibland till aldrig.

Alltså, jag säger inte att kvinnor inte ska använda preventivmedel, bara att de ska skaffa sig information om de möjliga konsekvenserna på förhand, i stället för att skrika om dem i efterhand.

Opartiskhet i nyhetsrapportering: KG Bergström i SVTs Rapport

Sedan nyheten om att Erik Fichtelius knäböjt/fjäskat för statsminister Göran Persson då han intervjuade honom i smyg har jag lyssnat på ett flertal av kommentatorerna i SVT. Senast var det i torsdags sändning, då KG Bergström (han som sägs ha varit "jätteavundsjuk" på Fichtelius då de hemliga intervjuerna avslöjades) kommenterat debaclet och turerna kring utrikesdepartementets Hans Dahlgren och statssekreteraren Lars Danielsson angående tsunamifiaskot. Dagens KU-förhör hade bevisat att statssekreteraren ljugit om att ha haft kontakt med UD under ödesdagen. Under den efterföljande diskussionen i nyhetssändningen så tycktes Bergström göra allt för att skydda statsminister och sin närmaste man. I stället för att hålla med om att det var allvarligt att mannen ljög samt att det är mer än häpnadsväckande att man fortfarande påstår att statsministern inte kunde ha vetat om situationen, så upprepade han gång på gång om att "de" på UD inte kan skylla på statsminister därför att si och så, alltså han ville helst göra något annat än att fokusera på fakta, inte ens när de stirrade honom i ansiktet.

Faktum är att ju mer jag lyssnar på honom, desto mer övertygad jag blir om att han inte för opartiska kommentarer. Han tycks alltid ha något positivt att säga om socialdemokraterna, oavsett hur dåligt de har framträtt, han ställer ledande, förklarande frågor till statsministern (senast på konferensen när det blev en jätteuppror då denne hade sagt att han inte tänkte följa vad majoriteten röstade på under kongressen) - alltså lade Bergström ord i statsministerns mun för att förmildra omständigheterna och därmed hjälpa honom med bortförklaringarna. Samma sak när det gäller någon annan socialdemokrat som råkar ligga väl hos statsministern just då, t.ex. Marita Ulvskog.

Samtidigt för han bistra, nästintill föraktsfulla kommentarer om de borgerliga partierna och dess ledare, han nedvärderar ständigt de succéer de har och ifrågasätter deras syfte när de kommer med positiva förslag eller insatser, i synnerhet när något av dessa idéer har fått beröm eller positiv kritik som dessutom reflekteras i opinionssiffrorna. Han kritiserar de sociala stödpartierna och gör det klart att det bara är ett parti som räknas: socialdemokraterna. Gör de borgerliga bort sig då är hans bedömning hård. Gör socialdemokraterna bort sig så har han alltid en förmildrande förklaring. Gör de borgerliga något bra, så är det inget man ska ta hänsyn till, han påminner hellre om hur dåligt de varit på andra saker. Gör däremot socialdemokraterna något bra så skall det upprepas och hyllas i tio månader över.

Man kan undra om han får betalt av statsministern för att bedriva propagandapolitik i SVTs nyhetssändning. Man kan också undra vad han har för hållhake på SVTs ledning som gör att han får vara kvar fast det är uppenbart att han inte är en opartisk kommentator. Göran Persson bör vara ytterst försiktig med att lita på sådana typer av stöd, då tittarna snart tappar tron på allt Bergström säger i SVTs Rapport, vilket på sikt kan leda till ett bakslag för socialdemokraterna.

I denna fråga är Mats Knutson i SVTs Aktuellt en mycket mer professionell, pålitlig och opartisk kommentator än KG Bergström. SVT: Fri television?

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Yttrandefrihet - Freedom of speech

I borrowed this photograph from the blogsite of The Angry Arab. It really illustrates the true meaning behind many of the Western battle cries of "freedom of speech", doesn't it?

Viva la free speech!

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Misuse of morning-after pill and personal responsibility

Caroline, now 20, was 16 years old when she first took the morning-after pill. Since then, she has taken it on at least 15 other occasions. "I don't want to, but it just ends up happening anyway," she says.

Of course it does.

A peculiar article was published in the Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet on the 24th of January. It stated that women are misusing morning-after pills by using them as ordinary contraceptives, rather than as the emergency contraceptives that they are. And that the result of a market survey was "buried by the directors of (the manufacturer) Nycomed", as well as that the "staff was gagged". The not-too-subtle implication is that the manufacturers are to be blamed because young women do not listen to the advice they receive or read the instructions on packaging before taking such pills. The next step is fairly predictable. As so often happens in Sweden, this article will almost certainly form the basis of some future legislative proposal on the restriction of access to morning-after pills, perhaps even the formulation of some means of punishing the manufacturer, "in order to protect young women from falling into abuse." The motive would be that since the morning-after pill is having no effect on the increasing numbers of abortions then it is of no use and thus access can be restricted. It would really be a shame if this were to happen.

Another thought occurred to me: isn't it strange that it is always the young and irresponsible who get such items for free (i.e., paid for by taxpayers), while responsible people who work their fingers to the bone have to pay for them? I had no idea that the pills were free for "youths" before I read the article. Caroline, above, says that "it just happens". It most certainly does not. She is quite simply irresponsible. And since she began using morning-after pills when she was as young as 16 years old then one would expect that she would have learnt a thing or two about how to protect herself after all these years.

I remember seeing my mother throw out her contraceptive pills when I was about 7 years old, on the advice of her doctor. She was approaching 30, and the doctor had reminded her of the risks of taking the pill (before and) after a certain age, i.e., that there was an increased risk of being afflicted by cancer and blood clots. She received the same advice regarding the contraceptive injections that she sometimes got every three months. My parents went back to using condoms. In school (sexual education, between the ages of 8 and 12), we learnt that the earlier a woman/girl went on the pill (e.g. as a teenager) and the longer she continued to take it (e.g. into her 30s), the greater the odds of that woman experiencing the more serious side effects of the drug. All of this happened nearly 25 years ago, in a country that was then referred to as a developing/underdeveloped country.

If we were so well-informed on the matter 20 - 30 years ago, how is it that women of today, in what is routinely called "the information age" and in so-called industrialised countries claim to be ignorant of the dangers to which they expose their bodies, to such an extent that they even file lawsuits against the manufacturers for having "caused their cancer"?

10 - 15 years from now when Caroline is ready to have a child and cannot conceive naturally - since she would have decreased or ruined her chances through her irresponsible behaviour - she will come running to the taxpayers to demand that they pay for her artificial insemination treatments, without a thought that she might bear some responsibility for the fate that has befallen her. It will be even worse if she is diagnosed with cancer or various other health problems at an early age. She will hardly believe that contraceptive pills (morning-after or otherwise) could be the cause, despite the fact that the warnings are clearly stated on each package. Will anyone dare to remind her? In Sweden? Not bloody likely.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Reaktioner och motreaktioner

I de flesta fall har de svenska reaktionerna varit ganska intelligenta. Argumentena i de ledande tidningarna visar att folk inte har tappat greppet och faktiskt kan tänka själva. En av de mest insiktsfulla kommentarerna har skrivits i en insändare till Dagens Nyheter (den 3 februari):

Hur demokratiska är vi egentligen?

Debatten om bilderna i Jyllands-Posten har varit intensiv de senaste dagarna. I Sverige har diskussionen främst handlat om hur det fria ordet inte får kränkas.

Voltaires ideal har lyfts fram som demokratins främsta grundpelare och skribenterna har hyllat den danska tidningen och uppmanat Europa att ena sig i kampen för det fria ordet.

I debatten har det glömts, att det finns en annan sida av frågan. Muslimer runt om i världen, från Danmark till Palestina, känner sig kränkta. Det handlar inte endast om att bryta mot sharia genom att Muhammed har avbildats (trots att många tidningar har tagit detta som huvudpunkt), utan om bildernas kränkande symbolik - till och med islams heliga man har avbildats som en terrorist. Det handlar om ett förtryck och segregering som är verklighet för många muslimer i Europa.

Vad som gläder mig är att den största motaktionen inte har blivit våld, utan en landsöverskridande bojkott, en ekonomisk handling som har visat sig vara mäktig. Det är en handling som i sig inte kan kritiseras, människorna har rätt att köpa vad de vill. På samma sätt som tryckfriheten, har bojkotten visat att köpkraften kan användas som ett demokratiskt medel.

I grund och botten är upproret i den islamiska världen befogad; en hel religion och dess anhängare har getts en negativ stämpel - ironiskt nog främst av västerlänningar som hävdar sig vara demokratiska och tro på alla människors lika värde. Att försvara bilderna med demokrati som argument leder till att man försvarar den negativa bilden av muslimer som de speglat. Vill man framhäva demokratin måste man även försvara både rätten att bränna flaggor (åsiktsfrihet) och bojkotten (valfrihet).

Att debatten i Sverige endast handlat om tryckfriheten visar att muslimernas åsikter inte respekteras som likvärdiga. Vårt sekulariserade samhälle har svårt att ge utrymme för oliktänkande. Vad vi måste komma ihåg är att demokrati handlar om respekt, förståelse och jämlikhet, inte om västerländsk kulturkolonialism. Det är dags för Europa att titta på sig själv i spegeln innan man pekar finger mot andra.
Laura Tolonen demokratistudent, Stockholm

En annan klok insändare skriver i samma artikel:

"Sätt in teckningarna i rätt sammanhang"
I april 2004 dömdes majoren Frank Grevil i Köpenhamns tingsrätt till 6 månaders fängelse för att han avslöjat att Danmarks statsminister Anders Fogh-Rasmussen ljugit om massförstörelsevapnen i Irak (precis som Blair och Bush). För att försvara krigspolitiken och Danmarks deltagande i Irakkriget sade Fogh-Rasmussen om Saddams påstådda massförstörelsevapnen "Det er ikke noget vi tror. Vi ved det". Majoren kunde med dokument från danska underrättelsetjänsten visa att det var en lögn. Samtidigt åtalades två journalister på tidningen Berlingske Tidende för att de publicerat majorens uppgifter. Var det någon av de tidningar i västvärlden som nu "modigt" publicerar satirteckningarna och/eller principiellt försvarar publiceringen av Jyllands-Postens antimuslimska bilder med hänvisning till yttrandefriheten, som då gick ut och krävde att yttrandefriheten skulle försvaras?

De danska soldaterna hjälper USA med kriget och ockupationen i Irak. De dödar och torterar irakier med samma varma själ som Jyllands-Posten använder för att sprida sin antimuslimska hatpropaganda. Danmark har tagit ställning för Bush och Blair i "kriget mot terrorismen" med det uttalade syftet att ge dansk industri extra fördelar när den irakiska marknaden ska delas upp. Det är för denna cyniska och krigshetsande politik som Danmark nu får betala priset.
Göran Drougge

Jan Guillous artikel i Aftonbladet idag förklarar en hel del och visar hur folk har fullständigt tappat fokus under de senaste dagarna:

"Striden om Muhammedbilderna är således inte juridisk utan politisk. Och den som mer än någon annan skruvade upp den politiska temperaturen var Danmarks statsminister Anders Fogh Rasmussen. När elva ambassadörer från olika muslimska länder gång på gång begärde företräde hos den danske regeringschefen så avvisade han dem med förakt, låtsades inte ha tid. Han föredrog att stryka den rasistiska danska opinionen medhårs hellre än att bedriva utrikespolitik. Därmed satte han stenen i rullning och framkallade en politisk kris som ledde vidare till en ekonomisk kris i form av en arabisk konsumentbojkott. Och då, men först då, gjorde den danske statsministern en halv pudel, men bara en halv. Det är sådant som kallas omvändelse under galgen och är i regel inte moraliskt imponerande. Så heller icke i detta fall. Han hade helt enkelt kunnat säga att bilderna i Jyllands-Posten var smaklösa och rasistiska och att han tog avstånd från dem. Men det gjorde han inte. Med den kuriösa motiveringen att han som politiker inte kunde ha politiska uppfattningar. Och därmed rullade bråket vidare.
Alltså kom varenda arabisk extremist som viftade med gevär eller brände danska flaggor (till en början av misstag engelska flaggor) i tidningen.
Lika angelägna att hålla brasan vid liv som redaktörerna på Jyllands-Posten är förstås allehanda extremistgrupper i arabvärlden.
Från början var saken enkel. Danmarks muslimer, Europas mest hånade och demoniserade, blev precis som Jyllands-Posten avsett, förbannade över de rasistiska Muhammedteckningarna. Och när de försökte protestera via sina ambassadörer fick de långfingret från Danmarks statsminister. Det är egentligen allt."

Alltså, oavsett vad folk skriker, så har detta inte haft ett dugg med tryckfriheten att göra.

Nu måste vi försöka hålla huvuden lugna och försöka få ett snart slut på våldet och hoten. Bojkotten och dess effekter skulle till slut vara ett mycket mer effektivt sätt att visa sitt missnöje. At the end of the day, money talks.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Cartoons and Hypocrisy

Everyone has been putting in their two cents' worth since the scandal of the images published by the Danish newspaper exploded in full force last week. I have a few comments to make myself, however, I shall begin by posting a very insightful, well-written article by Rachard Itani on the CounterPunch website (February 2, 2006), with the above title. He makes some powerful arguments, of which intelligent people around the world should take note.

Danes Finally Apologize to Muslims (But for the Wrong Reasons)


In many European countries, there are laws that will land in jail any person who has the chutzpah to deny not only the historicity of the Jewish holocaust, but also the method by which Jews were put to death by the Nazis. In some of these countries, this prohibition goes as far as prosecuting those who would claim or attempt to prove that less than 6 million jews were slaughtered by the Nazis. In none of these countries are there similar laws that threaten people with loss of freedom and wealth for denying that large percentages of gypsies, gays, mentally retarded, and other miscellaneous "debris of humanity" were also eliminated by the Jew-slaughtering Nazis.

Quickly now: what defines a hypocrite? Answer: a person who follows the letter of the law, but not its spirit. The laws against anti-semitism are just that: laws against anti-semitism enacted by hypocritical Europeans with blood on their hands from the genocides in their recent and distant past, and much guilt to atone for in their hearts and minds.

The spirit of the law, which would extend this protection to Muslims as well, if not indeed other religious groups, is nowhere to be found in the Western legal code. You can curse the Prophet of the Muslims at will and with total impunity. However, approach the holocaust at your own risks and perils if you do not include in your discussion the standard, ritualistic incantations about the six million Jewish victims of the European Nazis. There is a word for this in the English language: hypocrisy.

I used to have a lot of respect for the Dutch, the Danes, and the Norwegians, and still do. However, I cannot claim that this respect is not more nuanced today. The coloring started when the Dutch, who are invariably and automatically described as being amongst the most "tolerant" people in the West, if not the world, proved that their tolerance was little more than skin deep. Their reaction to the murder of Theo Van Gogh was anything but driven by tolerance. They behaved as a mob in reaction to the criminal, despicable action of an extremist and murderer, by painting the whole Dutch muslim community with the same broad brush that Vincent Van Gogh would have eschewed. They burnt Muslim schools and mosques. They directed opprobrium at Muslims in their midst, calling on them "to go home" though many had been born in the Netherlands. No subtlety in the Dutch reaction. Just collective anti-semitism which they directed not at the Jews, but at the Jews' cousins, the Muslims.

Then the Danes, who must have felt left out, decided to go the Dutch one better: a Danish paper published cartoons that are no less offensive to Muslims than anti-semitism is to Jews. The cartoons were described by Danish politicians and the press as not provocation, but a principled case of free speech, although many Danish and Scandinavian newspaper editors are on record stating that they published the cartoons as an act of defiance against "radical Islam." This is akin to these ignorant morons recommending that the U.S. ought to nuke Tehran because that would teach Iranian President Ahmadinejad a lesson.

What free speech are we talking about here? The law says thou shalt not utilize or publish anti-semitic language or imagery. Consequently, Danish (and other European) papers will refrain from doing so, lest they fall foul of the law and offend Jewish sensitivities. The law does not say: thou shalt not offend muslims or use imagery that may be deeply offensive to them. So Danish papers will not refrain from doing so, in fact they will go out of their way to offend Muslims both in Denmark and around the world, in the name of "free speech." And the Norwegians? Well, they just decided to follow the Danes down perdition lane, all in the name of holy hypocrisy, so a Norwegian paper also published the offending cartoons. The statement about "confronting radical Islam" was in fact made by the Norwegian editor of a newspaper that is described as a "Norwegian Christian Paper." And now that other European papers and Magazines have also followed suit, if there was any doubt that this affair is one of anti-Muslim bias, it was swept away by the statements of the Editor in Chief of Die Welt, the German magazine, who declared that the right to publish the cartoons was "at the very core of our culture" and that Europeans cannot "stop using our journalistic right of freedom of expression within legal boundaries." It's the "legal boundaries" qualifier that gives the game away: there are no legal boundaries in Europe protecting Muslims from the same ignominies that the law protects Jews from.

And what further argument does Die Welt put forward to justify its "legal" action? " It pointed out that "Syrian TV had depicted Jewish rabbis as cannibals." You can imagine how helpful a similar argument would hold up in a court of law: "But your honor, I only killed one guy and raped two women: the other guy killed four and raped 10!" That a German editor-in-chief of a major German paper should use the "legal" argument to justify offending the religious sensitivities of Muslims, when that same "legal" framework would see him thrown in jail faster than he could spell the word legal if he offended the sensitivities of Jews, may be a testament at least of his own deep-seated contempt for Muslims. That so many European papers have now reprinted the offensive cartoons is an indication that the contempt for Muslims does not stop with the editor-in-chief of Die Welt.

This whole affair is nothing but an over-reaction to a simple cartoon, you say? Not if you remember a certain other cartoon that appeared in the British newspaper, The Independent, on 27 January 2003. It depicted Prime Minister Sharon of Israel eating the head of a Palestinian child while saying: "What's wrong? You've never seen a politician kissing babies before?" Jews in Britain and around the world erupted with indignation, arguably because the depiction reminded them of millennial charges levied against them by Christians who accused them of using the blood of babies in ritualistic killings. You see, Sharon can actually kill, maim and spill the real, actual blood of Palestinian babies: that is not offensive to Zionist Jews and their apologists in the West. But let Sharon be depicted in a cartoon metaphorically as the ogre that he has proved to be in his real life, symbolically eating a Palestinian child, and the world will erupt in offended indignation. A cartoon that is offensive to Muslims, on the other hand, is depicted as nothing but an expression of "free speech." There is a word for this in any language: hypocrisy.

Before the Danish cartoon incident started to evolve into a growing international crisis, the Danish Prime Minister and the publisher of the Danish newspaper that first published the offending cartoons both declared that they would never apologize on grounds of free speech and because publishing the cartoons had not broken any Danish laws. (Yes, the "no law broken" argument again.) Yesterday, however, they both ended up apologizing in the face of a growing tsunami of protests on the part of Arab and Muslim governments, some of whom withdrew their Ambassadors from Copenhagen. The Danish prime minister did not apologize because his moral compas suddenly found True North again. The real reason, of course, is that he understood, though a tad too late, the potential economic consequences of a widespread boycott of Danish goods on the part of one billion people. There is a word for this in the Danish language: realpolitik.

Muslims and other reasoning people around the world understand well that European laws against anti-Semitic speech, writing, and behavior, were enacted for two reasons. The stated reason was to protect the Jews from the continued onslaught of anti-Semitic attacks, both verbal and physical, which culminated historically in the repeated pogroms that Christian Europeans launched against Jews repeatedly through the centuries. (Historically, it was the Arabs who protected the Jews and took them in whenever they fled Christian barbarity, especially in the Middle Ages.) The real reason, of course, is to protect the Europeans from the pangs of their own conscience, which has very good reason to feel guilty indeed, given what Europeans did to Jews in the last millennium, especially in the 19th and 20th centuries, not to mention what they did to the indiginous people of the Carribean and the Americas since the 1600s, and to the people of Asia, Africa and Oceania as well. I have long thought that it's European Christians, more so than Jews, who ought to observe Yom Kippur, or adopt a similar atonement observance of their own.

While the spirit of the law is that Europeans shalt not offend any ethnic or religious groups including Muslims, this seems to be lost only on the Europeans themselves, or at least the Danes, the Germans and their ilk amongst them, who only care about, or fear, the letter of the law. Why should we therefore be shocked when Muslims depict Europeans as nothing but a bunch of hypocrites? Why shouldn't Governments of Muslim countries recall their Ambassadors to Denmark in protest, as some did? The only disappointment is that no Western or non-Muslim government, the meek complaints to a French newspaper by the French Foreign Office excepted, had the moral and ethical courage to publicly, unequivocally and forcefully condemn an act that is as deeply offensive to Muslims as the desecration of a Torah scroll, or of a Jewish cemetery, is offensive to all civilized people in the world, be they Jewish, Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, Animist, or Atheist.

There are two ways for Europeans to redeem themselves: the immediate temptation would be to call on their national parliaments to extend the protections of the laws against anti-Semitism and Holocaust denying to Islam and Muslims, as well as any other religious group . That would be the wrong recommendation however. The right recommendation would be to repeal the laws that govern holocaust denying and other laws that favor one group over another, so that the issue truly becomes one of free speech. And if Europeans are the civilized people they claim to be, then their politicians and newspaper publishers ought to find it easy to immediately apologize when they have unwittingly offended the taboos of any human community, be it religious or otherwise.

Muslims and Arabs have suffered enough hypocrisy on the hands of European Christians, just as Jews suffered in the past on the hands of these same Europeans, and as Palestinian Muslims and Christians alike are suffering today on the hands of Americans, Europeans and, of course, Zionist Jews, both Sephardim and Ashkenazi. If Europe thinks of itself as a civilized society, then it ought to do its utmost to redress the wrongs that too many people around the world have suffered as a result of European misbehavior and often outright criminal actions, most especially since the 1400s.

Muslims deserve nothing more nor less than for Christians in the U.S. and Europe, and Zionist Jews in Israel, to simply abide by the golden rule: treat others as you would have others treat you. So far, Christians and Zionist Jews have proven that they only abide by the alternative definition of this rule: "They who have the gold, make the rule." The gold in this case is a combination of economic and military might. Of this, Europeans, Zionist Jews and their American overlords have aplenty in reserve. Were it that they also had an equal reserve of un-hypocritical, civilized morality and ethical behavior to underpin their feelings of sanctimonious superiority.

And the other measure that Europeans can adopt to redeem themselves? The European people can start by throwing out of office, and initiating criminal proceedings against, any politician responsible for sending a single soldier to invade, occupy, and initiate pogroms against the people of Iraq: these politicians have been guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity, which makes them unfit for the honors that continued office holding bestows upon them. Europeans can also give the boot to any politician who has approved or turned a blind eye to a single rendition flight that sent any person to the torture chambers of the Americans or their surrogate torturers in some Arab or Muslim countries. These are the same countries whose religious sensitivities we should all respect as strongly as we respect Jewish sensitivities when it comes to the Jewish holocaust, not because the law says so, but because it's the right thing to do. These are also the same countries whose human rights trespasses Europeans ought to condemn as equally and vehemently as they should condemn the continued human rights abuses and state terrorism perpetrated by the Israeli government in Palestine/Israel, and by some European governments in Iraq, Afghanistan, and in other out-of-sight/out-of-mind places like Haiti, Africa, and elsewhere.

In other words, Europeans can start by applying the simple rule of one weight and one measure to both friends and foes, equally to themselves and to the rest of the world, because policy and politics, both domestic and foreign, ought to be based upon and subject to principled moral considerations, not expediency of the economic, financial or religious kind.

Is that such an unreasonable moral proposition to consider?

Rachard Itani can be reached at: