The British newspaper The Independent recently carried an article which discussed the increasing feminisation of men.
"High-street chains, including Boots, Tesco and Superdrug, are embarking on big expansions of their male beauty products and move beyond facial softeners and moisturisers.
In upmarket department stores, male concealer, eyeliner and foundation are already flying off the shelves. Leading luxury brands such as Jean Paul Gaultier, Clinique and Clarins are scrambling to expand their lines to meet the boom in demand. Beauty for blokes is becoming big business.
In the UK, the male cosmetics market has grown by a staggering 800 per cent over the past seven years. Boots reports that male grooming is growing faster than any other beauty sector, and Tesco says that men are responsible for "soaring" sales in skincare and hair-removal products.
The logical next step is full-on cosmetics. Superdrug has also been watching the trend closely, and is preparing to launch a range aimed at men and women. This will include eyeliner, tinted lip balm and "eyebrow grooming gel"...
"The merging of lines between beauty for men and women is a global trend that we are picking up on constantly," Mr Wemyss said. "Guys are just getting a lot more confident wearing make-up products."
Am I the only one who is truly grossed out by this "growing trend"? There is a HUGE difference between skincare products and make-up. Eyeliner, concealer, face powder, nail polish, sarong-wrap skirts, headties??? No wonder there are so many single heterosexual women in the world today. No wonder there are so many "hetersexual" men exclaiming how hard it is to find women. No self-respecting woman would date a man who sported makeup unless he worked onstage. But said woman would dump him faster than a speeding bullet if he were to begin wearing the stuff offstage as well. Because despite efforts to convince men otherwise, self-respecting women want men who are MEN, not men who are desperately trying to be like women. Otherwise they could simply become lesbians and find better-looking, better-groomed women. Who are these men trying to attract, women or other men? I can't even see a self-respecting gay man going for a man who would rather ape a woman. Is the gender identity crisis that great among men? Sadly, this appears to be the case.
A similarly disturbing trend was discovered among Swedish men years ago, when studies revealed that men accounted for a majority of the sales of hair dye (Clairol, Revlon, you name it). I knew three young Swedish men who changed the colour of their hair with alarming frequency, 3 - 4 times a year. They waxed, they gelled, they plucked their eyebrows and wore floral scarves and cherry lip balm. No, they were not gay, although I had thought so for a very long time (stereotypical, I know, but hey, shoot me). Oh yes, and they all wanted a girlfriend. None of their relationships lasted more than 2 - 3 months. Foreign women in particular were repelled by them. Around the same time, my Italian, Spanish and German girlfriends were constantly joking that it was so difficult to distinguish between the men and women in Stockholm, BOTH with respect to looks and personality. The sad fact was that even some of our Swedish girlfriends thought the same. The single ones all yearned for foreign boyfriends.
Our incessant meddling via various forms of social engineering (just look at the warped experiments in "gender equality" that are being conducted at some childcare nurseries in Sweden today, as well as the campaigns to dress little boys in pink and have "gender-neutral" clothing displays in stores) has put so much pressure on men to conform and get in touch with their "feminine sides" that we have spawned a whole breed of confused males who don't know whether they are coming or going. The result is women who are repelled by the effeminate masses that dare to approach them, despite the fact that they had a significant hand in the creation of these wimps. If this trend persists then we shall truly get what radical feminists have long yearned for: a world filled with truly emasculated men, with truly neutered beings on both sides of the rapidly diminishing divide. Seriously, apart from the odd unisex pullover, which woman would want to date a man who wore the same clothes she did? I mean, there is a world of difference between a blouse and a shirt. If I were a woman, I would interpret the Independent's article as a heads-up: WARNING, one of these could be yours in the future.
Will the real men in the house please stand up?
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